An executive MBA, or EMBA, is a graduate level business degree. The global executive MBA program in France is a highly selective, accelerated program that is designed for experienced professionals. The duration of the program is 18 months, and the curriculum is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in a global business environment. The program is offered in both English and French, and students have the opportunity to study at one of France's top business schools.

What is global executive MBA

A global executive MBA is a degree earned after completing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) program. Unlike a traditional MBA, which is focused on general business management, a global executive MBA is designed for experienced business professionals who want to specialize in international business.

Most global executive MBA programs are two years in duration, although there are some that are only one year. The majority of programs require students to complete a set number of courses, although there may be some flexibility in choosing electives. Many programs also include a practicum or internship component, which gives students the opportunity to apply what they have learned in the classroom to a real-world business setting.

Differences between EMBA and GEMBA

There are a few key differences between an Executive MBA (EMBA) and a Global Executive MBA (GEMBA). One of the most notable differences is the duration of the course. An EMBA typically takes 18-24 months to complete, whereas a GEMBA can take anywhere from 12-15 months.

Another difference between the two programs is the curriculum. An EMBA program is typically more focused on general business management topics, while a GEMBA program will have a more global perspective, with coursework covering topics such as international business and cross-cultural management.

Finally, the admissions requirements for these two programs can also differ. An EMBA program may require that applicants have a minimum of 5 years of work experience, while a GEMBA program may only require 3 years.

So, what is the duration of global executive MBA course in France? It really depends on the program you choose. However, most global executive MBA programs in France will take between 12-15 months to complete.

What is the duration of global executive MBA course in France?

A global executive MBA is a degree that is sought after by many business professionals. The duration of the course is usually about 18 months, but it can vary depending on the school that you attend. Many factors such as work experience, age, and previous education will affect the length of the program.

Most global executive MBA programs require that students have at least seven years of work experience. This ensures that students are able to apply what they learn in the classroom to real-world scenarios. The average age of students in these programs is about 33 years old.

The curriculum for a global executive MBA is very similar to that of a traditional MBA. However, there are some differences. For instance, global executive MBA programs place a greater emphasis on international business. This is because the students in these programs are typically working professionals who have international experience.

If you are considering a global executive MBA, it is important to research the different programs that are available. This way, you can find the program that is right for you.

The duration of a global executive MBA course in France is typically 18 to 24 months. The program is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in a global business environment. The curriculum is typically divided into four semesters, with each semester focusing on a different area of business. The first semester focuses on core business concepts, while the second and third semesters focus on specific areas of business such as marketing, finance, and operations. The fourth semester is typically devoted to a capstone project.